'There is Hope, even when your Brain tells you there isn't' - John Green
Teen Therapy
Social media.. impossible body standards.. educational pressures.. technology.. our teens are growing up and attempting to make sense of themselves and their place in the world under incredible pressures with not overly healthy influences. Nevertheless our teens prove time and time again that they have a resilience and determination that gets them through even though for many this begins to tire and difficulties arise. We see many teens in our practice, both boys and girls, many with anxiety, others with confidence issues and some just needing a space to talk. Common issues dealt with include self harm, disordered eating, gender identity difficulties, ASD and emotional dysregulation.
Our woodland and beach themed rooms are the perfect spaces for them to relax and escape the modern world for a while, pull out a paint brush or fiddle with the clay or just chat and explore themselves, learning ways to manage and tackle whatever obstacle they have in front of them. Our therapy dog Peppermint is a particularly well loved part of teen therapy where requested!
Our therapists incorporate various approaches to best suit the young person including teaching of how the brain works, CBT to understand the link between thoughts, feelings, behaviours and core beliefs, and general counselling and psychotherapeutic skills to support and nurture. Sessions for teens are commonly over a longer period over weekly or fortnightly sessions which is discussed with you at the consultation appointment.
Please see below for some pictures to give a feel for how we work.